Looking for that blessed hope - Titus 2:13

Looking for that blessed hope - Titus 2:13

October 7—Morning—Titus 2:13
"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." —Titus 2:13

Pause, my soul, and reflect on these sweet and solemn words. Is Jesus truly your hope? If so, then it is indeed a blessed hope, for all blessings are found in Him. Are you eagerly awaiting His appearing? Take a moment to consider the gravity of that thought. How can you know? Imagine if, at this very moment, the trumpet of the archangel were to sound, declaring, "Arise, you dead, and come to judgment." My soul, are you ready? Pause again. Do you long for Jesus's appearing now, in the conversion of every lost sinner? Do you rejoice whenever you hear that a soul has been born to God? If so, is this not a way of looking for His appearing?

Furthermore, do you long for Jesus's appearing in the ongoing revelations of His grace to the souls of His people? Rejoicing with those who rejoice and feeling connected as part of the family of God is another sign. Also, if Jesus is precious to you, and you long for His presence like the earth longs for the rising sun, then surely you are looking for His appearing. When you read His Word, sing His praise, call upon His name, join the congregation, or come to His table, does His presence in these moments fill you with joy? Are His tokens of love sweeter to you than honey and the honeycomb?

If, my soul, you can joyfully affirm these things and call them blessed now, then the hope of Jesus’s second coming is truly blessed. You can confidently echo the apostle's words, for if His appearing is gracious now, how much more glorious will it be when He appears as the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

October 7—Evening—Habakkuk 2:3
"For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." —Habakkuk 2:3

My soul, remember that God always has a set time to favor Zion. That time may not come as early as we would desire; it may not arrive when we expect it; it might even be delayed until we grow impatient and give up hope. Nevertheless, the promise will surely come; it will not tarry. We are often like children, eager to gather fruit before it is ripe, but God is in no hurry. He waits until the mercy He intends to give is fully prepared, and until our souls are equally ready to receive it.

What makes the coming mercy even sweeter is the knowledge that it has been appointed from eternity. "The vision is for an appointed time." So, no matter how long the wait seems, it will not be delayed one moment beyond the appointed time, nor will it come one moment early. When it finally arrives, it will reveal why it didn't come sooner, showing how perfectly timed and suited it is.

Let this precious scripture always remain in your heart, my soul, as a reminder during seasons of trial. God's appointments are certain; His people will never be disappointed in their fulfillment. Just as Israel was destined to be in Egypt for a specific time, and when that time came, the Lord brought them out in the very night it was promised, so too will God act in your life. The vision is indeed for an appointed time. Though it may seem to delay far beyond your expectations, it cannot tarry beyond God's perfect timing.

Oh, for the grace to heed David's counsel in every season: "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord" (Psalm 27:14).