Mine own vineyard have I not kept.- Song of Solomon 1:6

Mine own vineyard have I not kept.- Song of Solomon 1:6

October 5—Morning—Mark 16:7
"He goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him." —Mark 16:7

Mark this, my soul, in all your journeys and endeavors; seek out your gracious, glorious Forerunner, and recognize how your Lord has always gone before you, from everlasting. Was it not Jesus who was established as the Head of His people from eternity? Did He not go before them when He went forth for their salvation? In the council of peace, did He not precede us—not only before we knew our need, but even before we existed? In all His covenant engagements as the Surety for His people, He went before them. In all His offices, His roles, and His relationships, He was always preparing the blessings of His goodness in advance.

And in the personal salvation of each one of His redeemed, was not Jesus ahead in quickening, enlightening, and redeeming mercy? “If we love Him, it is because He first loved us.” And even now, do not His mercies go before our prayers? And before we call, does not Jesus already answer? And will it not be so for the entire day of grace, and into the eternal day of glory? Precious Jesus, surely You are going before me into Galilee. Oh, for grace to follow the Lamb wherever He goes. And may You, Lord, walk with me, talk with me, as You did with the disciples on the way, making Yourself known to me in continual revelations, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer.

October 5—Evening—Song of Solomon 1:6
"They made me keeper of the vineyards, but mine own vineyard have I not kept." —Song of Solomon 1:6

My soul, as this day ends, sit down and reflect on how it was spent. What kind of day has it been? How much of it was devoted to serving your Lord and nurturing your own soul? How much of it was consumed by the pressing demands of the world, tending to the body, and earning the bread that perishes? Surely the church's complaint is also yours. While tending the vineyards of others, your own vineyard has been neglected! And what good is it, in the path of grace, to be occupied with helping others while making no progress in your own journey toward heaven?

Isn’t the peace of your life and the glorious expectation of a better life meant to be strengthened by deepening your knowledge and enjoyment of Jesus? If I lose sight of You, dear Immanuel, if the active exercise of faith in You falters, will tending to others provide me with comfort or assurance? If I lose that sweet personal communion and fellowship with You, the very life of my soul, and miss Your private visits, what value is there in my public ministry—even if it’s successful in serving Your church and Your people?

I do rejoice in any way I can help others grow in the knowledge of my Lord, but God forbid that I should be like a signpost pointing the traveler onward while never moving forward myself. Instead, let me be like the star that guided the wise men, not only lighting the way to Christ but going with them and leading them until it rested over where the young child was. Oh, with the church, I will cry out, "Tell me, O You whom my soul loves, where You feed Your flock, where You make them rest at noon, for why should I be as one who turns aside by the flocks of Your companions?"