Reformation Theology Blog

The Sovereignty of God Amidst the Tumult of Nations

Dear brethren, it is with a heart full of gratitude that I address you today, mindful of the providence that has brought us to this moment. The current state of our world may well cause us to ask, "If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3). In times such as these, when chaos seems to reign and all that was once stable is now shaken, it is natural for the soul to be disquieted. Yet, let us not succumb to despair but rather strive to discern the hand of God in the narrative in which we find ourselves.

Coming to Christ with Empty Hands


ROM. 1:17.

For by it the righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith: As it is written, The just shall live by Faith.

The last point that we delivered out of these words, was this, that Faith is that whereby we are made partakers of the righteousness of Christ.

We come now to the Uses of it.

The Lingering Influence of the Totalitarian Tendencies of the 1930s


The 1930s in Germany were characterized by the clash between two totalitarian ideologies: National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism. While these systems differed in their economic ideologies, both shared a penchant for concentrated power and control over various aspects of life. This essay examines the practical implications of controlling versus owning the means of production, the extent of their political repression, and their influence on corporations and education.

Thy Kingdom Come

"Who among us is truly stirred for Zion? Who genuinely lays it to heart that she languishes within her borders? Do you prefer her prosperity above your chief joy? Do you declare your love for the King by loving His people? Knowing the preciousness of your own salvation, are you seeking by prayer and every means in your power to form and promote the salvation of others?

Laying Hold of God's Promises

The promises of God stand as an unwavering foundation for those united with Christ, providing profound joy and hope that transcend our present circumstances. As believers, we are called to take hold of these divine promises and allow them to shape our lives. This essay explores the depth and significance of God's promises, offering encouragement to embrace these promises fully. We'll illustrate this with an example focusing on God's promises of peace.

Human Depravity and the Presbyterian Form of Church Government

The Presbyterian form of church government, deeply rooted in Reformed theology, stands as a testament to the principles articulated by John Calvin and his successors. This system, characterized by a representative and decentralized structure, contrasts sharply with the hierarchical framework of Roman Catholicism. Understanding the theological and historical underpinnings of Presbyterian polity provides insight into its significance and its broader influence on democratic ideals.

Foundations of Presbyterian Church Government

The Puritan Perspective on Courage in Adversity: A Witness to the Power of God and the Gospel

The English Puritans, known for their unwavering commitment to biblical truth and godly living, viewed courage in adversity as an essential virtue for the Christian life. Rooted deeply in their understanding of God’s sovereignty and providence, the Puritans believed that true courage emanates from a profound faith in God. They taught that adversity is not merely a trial to endure but an opportunity to demonstrate faith and glorify God. Adversity tests and refines a believer’s faith, as gold is refined in the fire (1 Peter 1:6-7).
