The Church
on the threshold
"Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."
Gen 50:19-20





"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth..."
The book of Genesis, and the first book of the Torah and indeed as the opening work of the canon, is a book of foundations. It serves as the introdustion to the Mosiac law, and it begins the history of redemption that occupies the rest of the Bible...The Bible may be described as a four-part symphony, moving from creation to the fall, then on to redemption and finally re-creation. The book of Genesis lays the foundation for the rest of the Bible by narrating briefly the first two movements, while beginning the third. The fourth movement is the subject of the last two chapters of the Bible (Rev. 21-22) (Dillard, Longman III)

The excommunication from the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:22-24) confirms the probationary nature of the covenant of works. The first Gospel promise in Genesis 3:15 announces the covenant of grace, i.e. redemption of the elect by the Mediator. The covenant of grace is the progressive historical account of the administration of the Gospel in the history of redemption. The Abrahamic covenant is a renewal of the postlapsarian covenant/promise made to Adam (Genesis 3:15; 17). In the history of redemption, the covenant of grace was renewed in Abraham such that he is the father of all who believe (Romans 4:11; John 8:56). The Abrahamic covenant is logically as well as historically prior to the Mosaic. The Mosaic covenant was not renewed under Christ, but the Abrahamic covenant was. The New Covenant is new relative to Moses, not Abraham. The New Covenant is the fulfillment of the promise made to Adam (Genesis 3:15) and the (Abrahamic) covenant of grace. The New Covenant is the reality typified by the pre-incarnational types and shadows (2 Corinthians 1:20; John 6:32; Hebrews 7-9). - R. Scott Clark

Biblical Theology, I ; Biblical Theology, II (MP3) Dr. Gerard Van Groningen Covenant Seminary
Creation & Covenant (MP3) Dr. Gerard Van Groningen Covenant Seminary
Fall, Judgment & Covenant (MP3) Dr. Gerard Van Groningen Covenant Seminary
Patriarchs, I ; Patriarchs, II (MP3) Dr. Gerard Van Groningen Covenant Seminary
Creation & Providence (MP3) by Michael Williams Covenant Seminary
“Genesis 1:1 – Paradigm for Interpreting the Bible” MP3 by Dr. Bill Dennison
The Covenant of Grace: Abraham Dr. Michael Lawrence (Sermon)
Series on Sovereignty and Providence in Genesis Arturo G. Azurdia III MP3s
How do Genesis 1 & Genesis 2 relate? (MP3), by Tim Keller
Genesis (QuickTime), by Douglas Stuart
Themes in Genesis (QuickTime), by Douglas Stuart
In the Beginning: Genesis (Real Audio), by Douglas Stuart (Study Guide)
Old Testament History by Dr. V. Philips Long
God and Creation by Dr. Paul House
Structure of Biblical Authority by Lee Irons Part I; Part II; Part III; Part IV; Part V; Part VI; Part VII; Part VIII; Part IX MP3s
Series on Genesis by Rev. Ray Cortese - Seven Rivers Presbyterian Church, Lecanto, FL
Series on Genesis Scot Sherman, Senior Pastor of Intown Community Church, Atlanta, GA

Grace Church Seattle Exposition on Genesis by Tom Allen (audio)
ACC Radio Sermons on Genesis by Various Reformed Pastors (audio)
OT MP3 Sermons on Genesis by Dr. Gordon Hugenberger
Sermons on Genesis 3 including Joel Beeke, L. R. Shelton, Sr.,Albert N. Martin MP3s
Sermons on Genesis Sermon Audio Listing - Has both good and questionable material
Reformed Sermons on Genesis (MP3s) by Third Mill Ministries - Includes Bob Ingram, Bruce Waltke John Oliver, Leo Schuster, Mark Bates, Michael Ross, Mike Malone, Paul Warren,
Philip Strong, Ray Cortese, Richard Pratt, Russ Kapusinski, Scot Sherman, Tom Allen, Tom Patto

Redemptive History
Theses on Covenant Theology by R. Scott Clark
Redemptive History
by John Frame (pdf)
Abraham, Israel and the Church by Paul R. Williamson
Redemptive History, part one Introduction to Redemptive History PDF  
Redemptive History, part two The Adamic Administration of the Covenant   PDF 
The Sabbath in Redemptive History  by Rev. Scott J. Simmons
Ancient Near Eastern Treaties and Contracts
Understanding the Covenant of Works by Matt Perman
Clearing Confusion Over the Covenant of Works by Matt Perman
Covenant of Works and Covenant of Grace by Ligon Duncan
The Covenant of Grace by A.A. Hodge
Kingdom Prologue, Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview by Meredith G. Kline pdf What is a Covenant? by Meredith G. Kline
Two Adams, Two Covenants of Works by Meredith G. Kline
The Kingdom of God and the Old Testament by Graeme Goldsworthy
Land, Seed, and Blessing in the Abrahamic Covenant by Nathan Pitchford
The Structural Unity of the Covenant of Grace by Camden Bucey
Royal Expectations in Genesis to Kings by T. D. Alexander
Lectures on the theology of the Pentateuch by Gordon Hugenberger
Bethel: the House of God by William Dennison
One-Covenant Construction of the Redemptive Order by Meredith G. Kline
A Glimmer of Hope Genesis 5 Jeong Woo (James) Lee
The "Proto-evangelium" Paul Mizzi
The Rescue of Fallen Man by Rev. C. Bouwman
The Blessing of Abraham by Stuart R. Jones
Election and Transformation GENESIS 25:19-34 LAWRENCE SEMEL
The Tree of Life: Protological to Eschatological by Robert Starke
Genesis and the Real World by David Roth
The Seed of the Woman and the Blessing of Abraham by Jim Hamilton
Eschatology in the Book of Genesis by Christopher K. Lensch, B.A., M.Div.
The Toledot of the Book of Genesis and Redemptive-Historical Significance by WOUDSTRA
More on Redemptive History
...   --- More on Covenant Theology...

Resources and Essays on Abraham

Commentaries on Genesis
Commentary on Genesis by John Calvin
Commentary on Genesis by Matthew Henry
Genesis by John Gill
Gleanings in Genesis by A.W. Pink
The Gospel in Genesis by Henry Law "Christ-centered" author.
Augustine's Commentary on the Biblical Book of Genesis
Genesis - Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary
Commentaries for the book of Genesis by Bible Gateway
Notes on Genesis From the 1599 Geneva Bible Notes

Sermon Manuscripts from Genesis
Pentateuch Sermons and Articles on the Pentateuch by Reformed Perspectives
Faith Presbyterian Church by Dr Robert Rayburn

Genesis Archive First Pres Jackson Gen 1-11 , 12-22, 31-49 Jackson (PCA)
Foundations of the Faith: Studies in Genesis 1-11 by Jim Bordwine, Th.D.
Genesis Sermon Manuscripts Bethlehem Baptist Church - John Piper
Book of Genesis - John MacArthur & C.H. Spurgeon
Commentary on Genesis by John Calvin, 1509-1564
Genesis Sermons by Bill Baldwin (series)
Gleaning in Genesis by A.W. Pink
Series on Genesis by Scott Lindsay (PCA)
Sermons on Genesis 24:63 by Thomas Manton
Boundaries of the Doctrine of Creation by Pastor Bob Burridge
Sermons on Genesis Dr. Richard Gamble, Professor of Systematic Theology, RTS
Series on Genesis Dr. John W. P. Oliver, Asst Prof of Practical Theology, RTS
Studies in the Book of Genesis Rev. Iain D. Campbell
The Gospel in GENESIS
by Henry Law
Series on Genesis (93 Sermons) by Steven J. Cole
Sermons on Genesis by Don Fortner
Creation Sermons by Pastor Bill Smith (Factory Lane Community PCA)
Messages on Genesis by Doug V. Heck
The Gospel & Faith of Abraham Genesis 12:1-3 & Genesis 15 by Dave Hatcher
Outlines for Genesis by ChristChurch
Genesis by Rev. P. G. Mathew
Sermons upon Genesis 24
by Thomas Manton
The Character and Translation of Enoch by John Angell James
Sermons on Genesis by Sermon Links
The Practice of Piety—a Puritan devotional manual, directing a Christian how to live, that he may please God by Lewis Bayly (1611) (Genesis 6:8-9)
The Rainbow in the Clouds  by John MacDuff (Gen 9:14)
"In the Beginning God…" (Part 1) (Part II) Rev. Charles R. Biggs More...

The Fall
The Fall & Imputation of Adam's Sin @
"Adam, Christ, and Justification" Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V by John Piper
Adam's Fall and Mine by R.C. Sproul
Animal Death Before the Fall:What Does the Bible Say? by Lee Irons
The Sin, the Sinner, and the Sentence. by Horatius Bonar ( Genesis 3 )
Man's Fig Leaves by Horatius Bonar Genesis 3:7
The Way of Cain by Horatius Bonar
Cities of the Plain by Henry Law
Human Sinfulness by Gardiner Spring (Genesis 6:5)
Is Work the Result of the Fall? A Note on Genesis 2:15, by G. P. Hugenberger
More on the Fall ...

Subsection on Creation
On Creation Bryan Chapell
A Proposed Reformed Confession on Creation CCRU
Reformed Theology and Six Day Creation by Ken Gentry
The Fourth Commandment - Its Design by Charles Hodge
Hermeneutics and the Creation Wars R.S. Clark, D.Phil.
Genesis means what it says: Basil (AD 329-379)
Calvin said: Genesis means what it says by Jonathan Sarfati
Genesis: Fact or Fiction? by Joe Byczko
Uncommon Descent -- The Intelligent Design Weblog of William A. Dembski
The Genesis Debate: Three Views on the Days of Creation Edited by David G. Hagopian
Framework Interpretation: An Exegetical Summary by Lee Irons
The Decree of Creation by GIRS
The Creation of Man by GIRS
Primeval Chronology by GIRS
This is a classic article by professor William Henry Green of the old Princeton Theological Seminary. Its an analysis of the use of the genealogies of the Bible for obtaining dates for the ante-Abrahamic period.
PCA Creation Committee Report
This report is provided for information. It summarizes the various views of creation considered by the PCA study committee, and presents their proposals about the acceptability of various theories about the doctrine of creation. It does not necessarily reflect the position of the Genevan Institute for Reformed Studies.

John MacArthur's Series on Creation: "The Battle for the Beginning"
--"Creation: Believe It or Not (Part 1)" (Selected Scriptures)  
--"Creation: Believe It or Not (Part 2)" (Selected Scriptures)  
--"God: Creator and Redeemer" (Selected Scriptures)  
--"The How, Why, and When of Creation (Part 1)" (Genesis 1:1)  
--"The How, Why, and When of Creation (Part 2)" (Genesis 1:1)
--"Creation Day 2" (Genesis 1:6-8)
--"Creation Day 3" (Genesis 1:9-13)
--"Creation Day 4" (Genesis 1:14-19)
--"Creation Day 5" (Genesis 1:20-23)
--"Creation Day 6--Part 1" (Genesis 1:24-26)
--"Creation Day 6--Part 2" (Genesis 1:26-27)
--"Creation Day 6--Part 3" (Genesis 1:26-31)
--"The 'Rest' of Creation" (Genesis 2:1-3) 
--"The Creation of Man" (Genesis 2:4-7) 
--"Man in the Garden of God" (Genesis 2:8-17) 
--"The Creation of Woman" (Genesis 2:18-25) 
--"What is Sin?" (Genesis 3:1-7) 
--"The Breadth and Depth of Sin" (Genesis 3:1-7) 
--"The Origin of Evil" (Genesis 3:1-7) 
--"The Fall of Man--Part 1" (Genesis 3:1-5) 
--"The Fall of Man--Part 2" (Genesis 3:6-7) 
--"Confrontation in Eden" (Genesis 3:8-13) 
--"The Curse on the Serpent--Part 1" (Genesis 3:14-15) 
--"The Curse on the Serpent--Part 2" (Genesis 3:14-15) 
--"The Curse on the Woman--Part 1" (Genesis 3:16) 
--"The Curse on the Woman--Part 2" (Genesis 3:16) 
--"The Curse on the Man--Part 1" (Genesis 3:17-19) 
--"The Curse on the Man--Part 2" (Genesis 3:17-19)
--"The Promise of Redemption--Part 1" (Genesis 3:20-21)
--"The Promise of Redemption--Part 2" (Genesis 3:20-24)
--"The Portrait of a Doomed Sinner--Part 1" (Genesis 4:1-25)


So the Lord God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, you will be punished... And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed..." Genesis 3:14-15

There are two seeds in the world- the seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent. And if the seed of the serpent never hisses at you, you may be afraid that you do not  belong to the seed of the woman. God has put an enmity between
 the serpent and the woman; between the serpent's seed and the woman's seed.
And so it must be till the end  of time. Take any opposition that you get from worldlings as a token for good, a sign that you are of a different race from those who despise you, a testimonial to your character from those whose homage to goodness embodies itself in persecution. That is the way in which they compliment us. - C.H. Spurgeon