Sermons on Genesis 1-11

by John MacArthur

Genesis 1:1 The How, Why, and When of Creation -1

Genesis 1:1 The How, Why, and When of Creation - 2

Genesis 1:6-8 Creation Day 2

Genesis 1:9-13 Creation Day 3

Genesis 1:14-19 Creation Day 4

Genesis 1:20-23 Creation Day 5

Genesis 1:24-26 Creation Day 6 - 1

Genesis 1:26-27 Creation Day 6 - 2

Genesis 1:26-31 Creation Day 6 - 3

Genesis 2:1-3 The 'Rest' of Creation

Genesis 2:1-3 Understanding the Sabbath

Genesis 2:4-7 The Creation of Man

Genesis 2:8-17 Man in the Garden of God

Genesis 2:18-25 The Creation of Woman

Genesis 3:1-7 What is Sin?

Genesis 3:1-7 The Breadth and Depth of Sin

Genesis 3:1-7 The Origin of Evil

Genesis 3:1-5 The Fall of Man - 1

Genesis 3:6-7 The Fall of Man - 2

Genesis 3:8-13 Confrontation in Eden

Genesis 3:14-15 The Curse on the Serpent - 1

Genesis 3:14-15 The Curse on the Serpent - 2

Genesis 3:16 The Curse on the Woman - 1

Genesis 3:16 The Curse on the Woman - 2

Genesis 3:17-19 The Curse on the Man - 1

Genesis 3:17-19 The Curse on the Man - 2

Genesis 3:20-21 The Promise of Redemption - 1

Genesis 3:20-24 The Promise of Redemption - 2

Genesis 4:1-5 Cain: Portrait of a Doomed Sinner - 1 

Genesis 4:6-16 Cain: Portrait of a Doomed Sinner - 2

Genesis 4:17-22 The Origin of Society, Part 1

Genesis 4:23-26 The Origin of Society, Part 2

Genesis 5 The Generations of Adam

Genesis 6:1-4 Demonic Invasion

Genesis 6:5-12 The Destruction of Mankind, Part 1

Genesis 6:5-12 The Destruction of Mankind, Part 2

Genesis 6:13-22 Noah’s Ark of Faith

Genesis 7:1-5 Judgment on the Horizon

Genesis 7:6-16 The Flood of Judgment

Genesis 7:17-8:5 The Power of Divine Judgment in the Global Flood

Genesis 8:6-22 God’s Miraculous Restoration of Mankind

Genesis 9:1-6 Life and Death in the New World

Genesis 9:8-17 God's Rainbow Covenant

Genesis 9:18-29 The Polarizing Effect of Canaan’s Curse

Genesis 9:18-29 The Sin of Noah

Genesis 10:1-32 History in the New World

Genesis 11:1-9 Judgment of the Rebellion at Babel, Part 1

Genesis 11:1-9 Judgment of the Rebellion at Babel, Part 2

Genesis 11:10-32 Paganism and Promise

Genesis 24 Marks of a Godly Servant