by Herman Bavinck
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Meditations before and after receiving access to the Table of the Lord
It is our humble and happy task to commend "The Sacrifice of Praise" in its second and carefully revised edition to our churches, especially to the Reformed Church in America. We can do this most cheerfully because it is our personal conviction that Dr. H. Bavinck was, by the grace of God, the Prince of recent Reformed theologians. Among the three, above named, he easily holds first place for depth of thought and accurate research. His scholarly attainments were indeed rare, as abundantly shown by the copious quotations and references in his "Reformed Dogmatics" and other works.
This book is of an intensely practical nature. The subject, as the headings of the twelve chapters indicate, is "Confession." We do not hesitate to say that in practical church life there is still considerable misunderstanding as to confessing Christ. Ministers and elders frequently hear such questions as these: Is it really necessary to make public confession? Why should I take that step? What does it mean to confess Christ? What is the relation between Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper? Does God demand that one should unite with the Church? What rewards may the sincere confessor expect? These and other questions are answered by the author in plain and Scriptural language. Throughout the book the fundamental significance of the Covenant of Grace with its attendant promises, conditions, and blessings is clearly set forth. In a word, "The Sacrifice of Praise" is a masterpiece on the subject of confessing Christ, both for instruction and comfort to those who intend to unite with the Church and to members in full communion. Because of its unique character, consistories would do well to procure this book in quantities and present a copy to every person who appears before them to make confession of faith.
May the Holy Spirit accompany this book on its journey to the intent that our baptized young men and maidens may "offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually."
Pastor of the First Reformed Church of Muskegon, Michigan.
Dec. 15, 1921.
Table of Contents
I. The Basis or Foundation of Confession
II. The Training or Bringing up unto Confession
III. The Rule of Confession
IV. The Essence of Confession
V. The Contents of Confession
VI. The Diversity of Confession
VII. The Universality of Confession
VIII. The Obligation to Confession
IX. The Opposition to Confession
X. The Strength for Confession
XI. The Reward of Confession
XII. The Triumph of Confession