I will sprinkle clean water upon you

I will sprinkle clean water upon you

August 27—Morning—Psalm 89:19
"I have exalted one chosen out of the people."—Psalm 89:19.
My soul, were you refreshed yesterday with the precious meditation on the God of our fathers glorifying his Son Jesus? Do not let this blessed subject slip away from your thoughts today, or any day; instead, continue to meditate on the same delightful truth expressed in the words God spoke to his Holy One in a vision: "I have exalted one chosen out of the people." Yes, the Lord Jesus, as man and Mediator, was chosen in the infinite mind of Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, from everlasting. Before God engaged in the immediate acts of creation, when the vast multitude of beings that the Lord determined to bring into existence arose in his own infinite mind at his command, this blessed one, this glorious, distinguished, and precious individual who was to become one with the uncreated Word, to be the Wisdom-man and Mediator, was chosen from everlasting.
This was the glorious act—this was the great appointment. Christ Jesus, our glorious Head, our Surety, Redeemer, and Saviour, was then set up from everlasting! And my soul, had you been present, if such a thing were possible, had the whole church been there, wouldn't every heart, every soul of his redeemed, have shouted aloud in the contemplation of such a Saviour and cried out, "He is altogether lovely, the chief among ten thousand!"
Precious Jesus, you are indeed lovely in yourself, lovely in your cross, lovely in your crown, lovely in all your gracious acts, victories, triumphs, grace, and mercy. Everything about you is lovely, and you impart loveliness to all your people. You have chosen our inheritance for us; reign and rule over us and in us, for you are "The Lord our righteousness."

August 27—Evening—Ezekiel 36:25
"Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean; from all your filthiness and from all your idols, I will cleanse you."—Ezekiel 36:25.
Was there ever a more precious scripture? And was there ever a poor sinner who needed it more than you, my soul? And what a thousand beauties are contained in it! Who is the great promiser but the Lord Jehovah, the Father of mercies, and the God of all consolation? And what is the clean water spoken of here but the blood of Christ—Christ, with all his redemption, all his fullness, all his suitability, and his all-sufficiency?
And what does this sweet promise imply? Everything, all in one, is contained in it. It is all of God; all in himself, and all to be accomplished by himself. He provides the clean water; he cleanses the sinners; he sprinkles, he applies, he promises the sure efficacy; for they "shall be clean"; and he makes the blessings most comprehensive, full, and complete; for it shall be a cleansing from all their filthiness and from all their idols.
See then, my soul, what a portion you have found here in the word of God's grace for your evening's meditation! Evening, did I say? Yes, for the meditation of your whole life, and to form the foundation of a song of praise for all eternity! Here is everything you could possibly need to encourage you to come for cleansing under all your pollutions in your daily walk through life. Here is God the Father fully engaged and fully promising. Here is Jesus, in his blood of sprinkling, as the Father's gift for cleansing, in all his divine offices and suited mercy. And here is the purity wrought by the Holy Spirit in his gracious application of the whole, which he most graciously and fully testifies when he shows you your need, the suitability of Jesus, and inclines you to believe in the efficacy of this blood of Christ to cleanse from all sin.
Now, my soul, reflect on the blessedness and fullness of this sweet scripture, and see how perfectly it suits your needs and your Lord's glory. And when you have gathered from it, like the bee from the flower, all the honey it contains, take it home to your inmost affections, as the bee does with what it gathers to the hive, and live on it for your daily sustenance. The promise is absolute, for God says, "I will do it." And the certainty of its effect is just as assured, for God says, "You shall be clean." And the extent of it is just as sure, for God says, "From all your filthiness and from all your idols, I will cleanse you." My soul, ask the most daring heart of unbelief, what could possibly arise to contradict what God has said or to counteract what God has promised?
Source:The Poor Man's Morning and Evening Portion by Robert Hawker (lightly modernized by Monergism)