Reformation Theology Blog

The Providence of God - Job 42:2

by Derek Thomas

Right now counts forever because God is in control of all things. He has created a moral universe in which our actions have consequences both now and forever. God can do all things, and none of His purposes can be thwarted (Job 42:2). In this session, Dr. Derek Thomas reminds us that this knowledge is cause for holy reverence, awe, and peace as we acknowledge God’s work in our lives and in the lives of others. He is the sovereign God, Creator of heaven and earth, and He reigns over His creation in glory and splendor.

Man’s Own Character No Ground of Peace

by Horatius Bonar

If God testify against us, who can testify for us? If God’s opinion of man’s sinfulness, his judgment of man’s guilt, and his declaration of sin’s evil be so very decided, there can be no hope of acquittal for us on the ground of personal character of goodness, either of heart or life. That which God sees in us furnishes only matter for condemnation, not for pardon.

Is It Necessary to Preach Divine Wrath?

by Steve Lawson

The Genevan Reformer John Calvin said, “Preaching is the public exposition of Scripture by the man sent from God, in which God Himself is present in judgment and in grace.” Faithful pulpit ministry requires the declaration of both judgment and grace. The Word of God is a sharp, two-edged sword that softens and hardens, comforts and afflicts, saves and damns.

Greg Bahnsen Critiques Evolution

How can we as Christians respond to the challenge of the evolutionary hypothesis? Before I answer that question, just to make sure you know what I’m talking about in this lecture, I’ll be dealing with what is called macro evolution, rather than micro evolution. And as I’m talking about species transformation, the evolution of living organisms through their progeny whereby one species becomes another species, I’m not talking about alteration of form or function within a species, micro evolution.

Divine Repentance

By R.C. Sproul

Does God Change His Mind? If God is immutable, if He does not change at all, does that mean He never changes His mind either? This is a very thorny problem. The Bible appears to say at times that God changed His mind. Consider, for example, the following episode that took place in the time of Moses:

Understanding John 12:32

by John Samson

QuestionI read your recent article on John 6:35-45 entitled “The Perseverance of the Saints,” and I understand the following to be a brief summary of Jesus’ words regarding God’s Sovereign purpose in election from John 6:35-45: Unless it is granted, no one will come to Christ. All to whom it is granted will come to Christ, and all of these will be raised up to eternal life on the last day.

Particular Redemption in Revelation 5:9

""Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, nd you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth." - Rev. 5:9-10

The great, ultimate, and final exodus is here being declared in song. Three (3) reasons to define the lamb's worthiness to open the scroll
