Reformation Theology Blog

“He is the fountain of goodness and mercy”

by John Calvin

“This self-love of ours so blinds us that we make the smallest faults in the world to be akin to heinous and unpardonable sins. We have this evil so deeply rooted in our hearts that if we are told of our duty, it only half moves us.

For this reason, St. Paul sets the example of God before us here. He has forgiven us in His only Son. And without delay He adds our Lord Jesus Christ, who spared not Himself when it was a question of our redemption and salvation.

Does receiving imputed righteousness qualify me for heaven?

Thank you for your inquiry. The starting point for us all must be the inherent dilemma of human existence: sin. We are all, by nature, ensnared in the mire of transgression and corruption. Isaiah writes, "We all, like sheep, have gone astray," and Paul solemnly declares, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3:23). Given our sinfulness, can we, by our own merit, qualify for heaven? The The Bible resoundingly says, "No." Our righteousness, the prophet asserts, is as "filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6).

A Companion for Prayer

OR, Directions for Improvement in Grace and Practical Godliness in times of extraordinary Danger.

By Richard Alleine, Author of Vinditiae Pietatis.

LONDON: • Printed for Thomas Cockerill at the Three Legs in the Poultry, 1680.


Reverend Sir,

The proposal made in your letter concerning Prayer has deeply impacted me and has led to some reflections of my own. Despite acknowledging my own inadequacies, I found myself repeatedly returning to these thoughts. I now present the outcome of these reflections for your consideration.

Misuses of the Law

by Anthony Burgess

Knowing the Law is good, if a man use it lawfully. - 1 Timothy 1:8-9

In these words, you have heard two points: First, the affirmation, "The Law is good." Second, the condition, "If a man use it lawfully."

Shellfish and Mixed Fabrics

A common argument against Christianity by many atheists is the idea that Christians don't follow the dietary laws of the Old Testament. I recently heard one ask, "Why are you not firebombing Red Lobster restaurants for serving shellfish?" and "Why are you not calling for the dissolution of clothing companies that produce garments of mixed fabrics?"

The question being asked is a good one, but it shows a common misunderstanding about the role and purpose of Jesus, known as the Messiah.

He is Altogether Lovely

He is lovely in His person—the glorious all-sufficiency of His deity, the gracious purity and holiness of His humanity, His authority and majesty, His love and power.

He is lovely in His birth and incarnation—when He, who was rich, became poor for our sake, taking on flesh and blood because we share in the same. He was made of a woman, so that He could be made under the law for our sake.

Man's Utter Inability to Recover Himself

by Thomas Boston

Updated English

For when we were still without strength, at the appointed time Christ died for the ungodly.—Romans 5:6. 

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.—John 5:44.
