Reformation Theology Blog

Human Reason, Logic & Scientism

Human reason and logic, such as the law of non contradiction are 1) invariant, 2) universal and 3) immaterial. The same laws of logic apply in Los Angeles and Myanmar. Although materialists and secularists use logic everyday, they cannot account for logic in their worldview. It only makes sense if an immaterial, universal, invariant God exists.  A universal law among cultures which never met one another, requires a universal lawgiver.  It doesn't arise from rocks. 

Do Not Despise the Day of Small Beginnings

We must not condemn others as graceless and godless, because they do not see the whole truth at once, and only reach decided Christianity by slow degrees. The Holy Spirit always leads believers to the same foundation truths, and into the same highway to heaven. In these there is invariable uniformity. But the Holy Spirit does not always lead believers through the same experience, or at the same rate of speed. In this there is much diversity in His operations.

14 Ways that God is Far More Excellent than Men

God is awesome in all the ways the deepest recesses of our souls long to be awestruck. Here are fourteen ways that God is a far more excellent object of awe than the images we see in the mirror: 

1. God never lies or breaks promises. We do.

2. God is not bound by time, but sees it all—past, present, and future—with perfect clarity. He was here long before us, even before time existed, which is one of His ideas. We are stuck in this moment, hazy about much of the past and oblivious to much of the future. 

Does Man Have a Free WIll?

by John Calvin

In his very helpful book, The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, John Calvin stated that there are four expressions regarding the will which differ from one another:

The Grounds of Contentedness

By William Gouge

Contentedness is a satisfaction of the mind concerning the sufficiency and fitness of one's present condition.

This general matter of contentedness, a satisfaction of mind, doth not only put a distinguishing difference betwixt contentedness and covetousness, but also sheweth that they are diametrically contrary one to another: for a covetous mind is never satisfied with any estate: and a contented mind is never unsatisfied with any.

Knowing God or Knowing about God

by J. I. Packer

Our Purpose in Life

     What were we made for? To know God.

     What aim should we set ourselves in life? To know God.

     What is the ‘eternal life’ that Jesus gives? Knowledge of God. ‘This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent’ (John 17:3 NIV).

Monergism Publishes First Paperback Book

by Richard Sibbes

Due to high demand from our online community, Monergism has begun publishing some of our most popular eBooks in paperback. Our first title is The Soul's Conflict and Victory over Itself by Faith, by Richard Sibbes
