Reformation Theology Blog

The Church in the World

Dear saints,

I came across this and thought it would be worth sharing.

This is an excerpt from The Epistle to Diognetus, one of the earliest pieces of Christian apologetic writing.  While we are not sure of the author, it was probably written sometime in the 100's.  For the sake of reference, Justin Martyr, the most well known apologist of the early church, lived roughly 100-165.

"He is Altogether Lovely"

by Samuel Rutherford

“If there were ten thousand thousand millions of worlds, and as many heavens full of men and angels, Christ would not be pinched to supply all our wants, and to fill us all. Christ is a well of life, but who knoweth how deep it is to the bottom?

This soul of ours hath love, and cannot but love some fair one. And, O, what a fair One, what an only One, what an excellent, lovely, ravishing One is Jesus! Put the beauty of ten thousand thousand worlds of paradises like the garden of Eden in one.

Road to Nowhere

Many years ago as a college freshman, before I knew the Lord, a friend of mine and I, while on some mind altering substance, decided to take a drive into the mountains:

I said, "let's take this road."

He asked, "where does it go?."

I answered "nowhere"

He replied, "I like that place." And so we went.

What is the Gospel?

The gospel is not behavior modification, becoming a better person or learning to become more moral. It is not taking the life of Jesus as a model way to live or transforming/redeeming the secular realm. It is not living highly communal lives with others and sharing generously in communities who practice the way of Jesus in local culture. These may all be good things but they are not to be confused with the gospel.

What are Your Personal Theological Convictions?

Bibliology-  The Bible alone is the Word of God. (Inspired, Inerrant)
Church Government- Presbyterian.
Covenant Theology - Classic
Theology Proper- Trinitarian
Christology- Hypostatic Union (Solus Christus)
Pnuematology- Effectual Calling of the Holy Spirit. Monergistic Regeneration.
Epistemology- Propositional Revelation
Hermeneutics- Grammatical Historical.
Soteriology- Justification by Grace Alone through Faith in Christ Alone
Anthropolgy- Total Human Depravity (Bondage of the will)
Charismata- Cessationist.

Sovereignty, Free Will and Salvation

by Charles Hodge

The Decrees of God

HERE you come to one of the watersheds of doctrine. The question of the decrees divides Evangelical Christians into two great camps, Calvinistic and Arminian, the point of difference being in effect this—as to whether God’s decrees are determined by Himself, or by something out of Himself.

The Unity of God’s Plan

The Many Benefits of eBooks

  • :eBooks are the only way for most people in developing countries to get access to sound theology and other good literature.
  • You can find a lot of old books online in eBook format that can't be found in stores any more.
  • Borrowing them from the library, or downloading them free on Monergism without ever having to leave your home is one of the greatest things ever. 
  • Rather than carry 50 pounds of books with you on vacation, you can bring a whole library of books on your kindle or smart phone.

Puritan Treasures

Puritan Paperbacks in the public domain already available on Monergism in eBook formats. 

Two Paperbacks are original works, and not in the public domain, those are "A Puritan Golden Treasury," and "All things made New" by John Flavel. Those cannot be made into eBooks. 
