I have recently encountered not a small number of professing "Christians" online who are "offended" when certain lifestyles are referred to as sinful, even though the Bible is not unclear about it. But if something offends a person does that make it wrong? That is not an argument but a tactic. So it always makes me wonder: are these really people who believe themselves to be Christians or are they pretending to believe but have ulterior motives? (since it is easy to hide real identities online) It is true that the gospel can indeed be offensive to sinners and has been offensive to me on many occassions, but God always uses that offense for His sovereign good purposes.(1 Cor. 1:18) The Scripture is clear that if someone is a regenerate believer who loves God they would not be trying to find any way they could to get out of what the God commands in the Bible but would be eager to want to find out how they can, by the grace of God, obey His precepts.
The Bible makes no bones about what God thinks about deceitful workmen and that What is most dishonoring to God is when someone wishes to co-opt Christianity and use it to defend and continue in their sinful lusts, and even denounce those who uphold biblical truth, as if God no longer has such knuckle-dragging views ... Now it is one thing to be in the world and love darkness but to profess to be a Christian and brazenly defend abiding in sinful practice is about the worst form of wickedness I can imagine. Why does one have to pretend that the Bible supports them and call themselves Christian? Why not create your own god and start your own religion without trying to involve Christ in it? It's as if people have been hired to infiltrate Christianity by some billionare (all using the same script) in an attempt to implode it from the inside. Or at least try to render it powerless and meaningless. But it won't work. The body of Christ is created by a supernatural work of grace which is built on a rock and all the arguments and wrath of the world is not going to crash it to the ground. As Gamaliel once surprisingly said in a moment of great wisdom: "if this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!” Acts 5:38-39