James Montgomery Boice

"The doctrines of grace stand or fall together, and together they point to one central truth: salvation is all of grace because it is all of God; and because it is all of God, it is all for His glory."

"Whether you can see it or not - and often we cannot - everything is being used of God for your good as well as the good of others. This knowledge is by faith. It is not always by sight. But it is nevertheless certain, because it is based on the character of God, who reveals himself to us as both sovereign and benevolentWe are not to be anxious about the unknown future or to fret about it. We are to live in a moment-by-moment dependence upon God."


Presbyterian, Covenantal, 5-point Calvinist, Paedo-Baptist, premillenialist (unusual combo)

"Boice taught, proved, and defended Calvinism by teaching, proving, and defending the Bible.  On a personal level this Christ-centered priority was also true for James Boice.  While Boice was a Calvinist through and through, his passion was for the person and work of Jesus Christ, and his labor was offered in personal service to his living and reigning Lord and Savior.  Calvinism was ever the servant of Boice's passion for Jesus and never the master." Rick Phillips

Biographical Sketch

James Montgomery Boice (1938-2000) was a successful inner city pastor and articulate spokesman for the Reformed faith in America and around the world. He was the pastor of Philadelphia’s historic Tenth Presbyterian Church (1968-2000) and his teaching continues to be aired on The Bible Study Hour radio and Internet broadcast. In 1996 he brought The Bible Study Hour, God’s Word Today magazine, Philadelphia Conference of Reformation Theology, and other Bible teaching ministries under the umbrella of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc., which also includes the White Horse Inn broadcast and Modern Reformation magazine, both founded by Michael Horton.

Under Dr. Boice’s leadership, Tenth Presbyterian Church became a model for ministry in America’s northeastern inner cities. When he assumed the pastorate of Tenth Church there were 350 people in regular attendance. At his death the church had grown to a regular Sunday attendance in three services of more than 1,200 persons, a total membership of 1,150 persons. Under his leadership, the church established a pre-school for children ages 3-5 (now defunct), a high school known as City Center Academy, a full range of adult fellowship groups and classes, and specialized outreach ministries to international students, women with crisis pregnancies, homosexual and HIV-positive clients, and the homeless. Many of these ministries are now free-standing from the church.

Dr. Boice gave leadership to groups beyond his own organization. For ten years he served as Chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, from its founding in 1977 until the completion of its work in 1988. ICBI produced three classic, creedal documents: “The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy,” “The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics” and “The Chicago Statement on the Application of the Bible to Contemporary Issues.” The organization published many books, held regional “Authority of Scripture” seminars across the country, and sponsored the large lay “Congress on the Bible I,” which met in Washington, D.C., in September 1987. He also served on the Board of Bible Study Fellowship.

He founded the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals (Alliance) in 1994, initially a group of pastors and theologians who were focused on bringing the 20th and now 21st century church to a new reformation. In 1996 this group met and wrote the Cambridge Declaration. Following the Cambridge meetings, the Alliance assumed leadership of the programs and publications formerly under Evangelical Ministries, Inc. (Dr. Boice) and Christians United for Reformation (Horton) in late 1996.

Dr. Boice was a prodigious world traveler. He journeyed to more than thirty countries in most of the world’s continents, and he taught the Bible in such countries as England, France, Canada, Japan, Australia, Guatemala, Korea and Saudi Arabia. He lived in Switzerland for three years while pursuing his doctoral studies.

Dr. Boice held degrees from Harvard University (A.B.), Princeton Theological Seminary (B.D.), the University of Basel, Switzerland (D. Theol.) and the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Episcopal Church (D.D., honorary).

A prolific author, Dr. Boice had contributed nearly forty books on a wide variety of Bible related themes. Most are in the form of expositional commentaries, growing out of his preaching: Psalms (1 volume), Romans (4 volumes), Genesis (3 volumes), Daniel, The Minor Prophets (2 volumes), The Sermon on the Mount, John (5 volumes, reissued in one), Ephesians, Phillippians and The Epistles of John. Many more popular volumes: Hearing God When You Hurt, Mind Renewal in a Mindless Christian Life, Standing on the Rock, The Parables of Jesus, The Christ of Christmas, The Christ of the Open Tomb and Christ’s Call to Discipleship. He also authored Foundations of the Christian Faith a 740-page book of theology for laypersons. Many of these books have been translated into other languages, such as: French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.

He was married to Linda Ann Boice (born McNamara), who continues to teach at the high school they co-founded.

Sources: Taken directly from the Aliance of Confessing Evangelicals’ Website

Check out the essay The Defenders: James M. Boice by Tim Challies


Select Bibliography

1977 Can You Run Away from God? (Victor)
1977 Does Inerrancy Matter? (Tyndale)
1977 Our Sovereign God: Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology , editor (Baker)
1978 The Foundation of Biblical Authority, editor (Zondervan)
1979 Making God's Word Plain, editor (Tenth Presbyterian Church)
1980 Our Savior God: Studies on Man, Christ and the Atonement, editor (Baker)
1986 Foundations of the Christian Faith (4 volumes in one, InterVarsity
1988 Transforming Our World: A Call to Action, editor (Multnomah)
1993 Amazing Grace (Tyndale)
1993 Mind Renewal in a Mindless Age (Baker)
1994-98 Psalms (3 volumes, Baker)
1994 Sure I Believe, So What! (Christian Focus Publications)
1995 Hearing God When You Hurt (Baker)
1996 Two Cities, Two Loves: Christian Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture (InterVarsity)
1996 How Shall They Hear?: The Art of Effective Biblical Preaching
1996 Here We Stand!: A Call from Confessing Evangelicals
1996 Spiritual Disciplines within the Church: Participating Fully in the Body of Christ
1997 Living by the Book: The Joy of Loving and Trusting God's Word (Baker)
1998 Christ's Call to Discipleship (Kregel)
1998 Ordinary Men Called by God: A Study of Abraham, Moses, and David (Kregel)
1999 Standing on the Rock: Upholding Biblical Authority in a Secular Age
1999 The Heart of the Cross , with Philip Graham Ryken (Crossway)
1999 What Makes a Church Evangelical?
1999 Foundations of God's City: Christians in a Crumbling Culture
1999 Glory of God's Grace, The: The Meaning of God's Grace
2000 Hymns for a Modern Reformation, with Paul S. Jones
2001 Whatever Happened to the Gospel of Grace? (Crossway)
2002 The Doctrines of Grace, with Philip Graham Ryken (Crossway)
2002 Jesus on Trial, with Philip Graham Ryken (Crossway)
2004 Here We Stand!: A Call From Confessing Evangelicals For A Modern Reformation
2006 The Heart of the Cross
2006 Genesis: An Expositional Commentary
2006 Joshua (Expositional Commentary)
2006 The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5-7
2006 Gospel of John, The (5 Vol. Set)
2006 Daniel (Expositional Commentary)
2006 Romans (4 Volume Set)
2006 Philippians (Expositional Commentary)
2006 Ephesians: An Expositional Commentary
2006 The Minor Prophets (2 Volume Set)
2006 Nehemiah (Expositional Commentary)
2006 Acts (Expositional Commentary)
2006 The Epistles of John (Expositional Commentary)
2006 The Gospel of Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, Matthew 1-17
2007 The Boice Expositional Commentaries on CD-ROM
2009 The Christ of Christmas (P&R)
2009 Whatever Happened to The Gospel of Grace?(Crossway)
2009 The King has Come (Christian Focus)
2009 Renewing Your Mind in a Mindless World: Learning to Think and Act Biblically (Kregel)
2010 The Christ of the Empty Tomb (P&R)
2010 To the Glory of God: A 40-Day Devotional on the Book of Romans (Baker)
2011 Come to the Waters: Daily Bible Devotions for Spiritual Refreshment
2013 Christ's Call to Discipleship (Kregel)
2013 14 Words from Jesus (Christian Focus)
2015 The Parables of Jesus (Moody)
2017 Foundations of the Christian Faith, Revised in One Volume Audio (2017)
2017 The Life of Moses: God's First Deliverer of Israel

2011 Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship : Celebrating the Legacy of James Montgomery Boice


1985 “The Future of Reformed Theology” in David F. Wells, editor,
Reformed Theology in America: A History of Its Modern Development
1986 “The Preacher and Scholarship” in Samuel T. Logan, editor, The
Preacher and Preaching: Reviving the Art in the Twentieth Century
(Presbyterian and Reformed)
1992 “A Better Way: The Power of Word and Spirit” in Michael Scott
Horton, editor, Power Religion: The Selling Out of the Evangelical Church?
1994 “The Sovereignty of God” in John D. Carson and David W. Hall,
editors, To Glorify and Enjoy God: A Commemoration of the 350th
Anniversary of the Westminster Assembly (Banner of Truth Trust)

Online Essays

Select Sermons (MP3)


"Preaching is the primary means of growth for the local church. There is a great deal of debate about this in our day, but it is the preaching of the Word that God most uses to build up a church, not only numerically but above all (and far more importantly) in spiritual depth and understanding of the people who make up the congregation."


Author Related Links
The Bible Study Hour with James Boice (Audio Sermons at One Place)
Boice's page at Tenth Presbyterian Church
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

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