D. A. Carson

For non-reformed theologies..."at the end of the day, the security of the believer finally rests with the believer. For those in the opposite camp [Reformed], the security of the believer finally rests with God -- and that, I suggest, rightly taught, draws the believer back to God himself, to trust in God, to a renewed faith that is of a piece with trusting him in the first place."

"What God has disclosed of Himself in Scripture does not permit us to pick and choose. On the other hand, it mandates that we interpret what he has disclosed within the constraints that he has himself imposed--i.e., with full recognition of the developing plot line in Scripture, and of Scriptures highly diverse literary genres. Ignoring the former is typically the liberal fallacy; ignoring the later is typically the fundamentalist fallacy."

THEOLOGY: Five point Calvinist, Historic Premil, Credo-Baptist, NCT

D.A. Carson Biographical Sketch

Don (D. A.) Carson (b. 1946) - Reformed evangelical at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His theology is similar to that of Wayne Grudem except on charismatic issues, where his view may be described as "open but cautious." Carson's tendency is to strive for balance and amicability in disputes but is uncompromising on the essentials of the faith. Dr. Carson has written or edited more than 45 books. Here are some of his important titles: How Long O Lord, A Call to Spiritual Reformation; The Cross and Christian Ministry; The Difficult Dotrine of the Love of God; Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility; Exegetical Fallacies; For the Love of God; The Gagging of GodThe Enduring Authority of the Christian ScripturesNIV Zondervan Study Bible ; Introduction to the New Testament; New Testament Commentary Survey; Scripture and Truth (Ed. with John Woodbridge); Worship by the Book; Pillar Commentaries on Matthew and John and contributer to Who Will be Saved. He also edits the New Studies in Biblical Theology book series.

Carson's areas of expertise include biblical theology, the historical Jesus, postmodernism, pluralism, Greek grammar, Johannine theology, Pauline theology, and questions of suffering and evil. He has written books on free will and predestination from a generally compatibilist and Calvinist persepective. He is a member of the Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical Research, the Society of Biblical Literature, the Evangelical Theological Society, the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, and the Institute for Biblical Research.

Dr. Carson and his wife, Joy, reside in Libertyville, Illinois. They have two children. In his spare time, Dr. Carson enjoys reading, hiking, and woodworking.

MP3s & Video

Sermons & Lectures From the Carson resources of Monergism MP3 Library
The God Who is There (14-Part MP3 Series)
Lectures On Preaching (MP3 Series)
The Primacy of Expository Preaching (MP3 Series)
"Preaching the Gospels" and "Preaching Apocalyptic" by D. A. Carson
Galatians and the Problem of Self Justification (MP3 Series)
The Aseity of God (YouTube)
On Distorting the Love of God
How can God be loving and yet send people to Hell? (video)
The Emergent Church - D.A. Carson
Lectures on Revelation
Preaching from John's Gospel
The Book of Hebrews (4-Part Video Series)
What Should We Believe About the Wrath of God?
Subtle Ways to Abandon the Authority of Scripture
Biblical Authority in an Age of Uncertainty
How do I know God exists?
Why should we pray if God knows everything?
How can we trust the Canon created by the early Church? (YouTube)
What is Inerrancy? (YouTube)
How can God allow suffering and evil in the world? (Vimeo)
What Is Sin And How Is It Different From Idolatry? (Youtube)
The Sweep of Praise
The God Who Helps

Moses' Intercessory Prayer (Video)
Must One Choose Between Truth and Tolerance?
Fighting Temptation - The Temptation of Adam and Eve
A Holy Nation (Video)
How do you Explain the Gospel in Five Minutes
The Emerging Church
What Is Sin And How Is It Different From Idolatry? (Youtube)

Free Full-Length eBooks (.pdf format)

  1. Letters Along the Way: A Novel of the Christian Life (Crossway, 1993)
  2. Holy Sonnets of the Twentieth Century (Baker, 1994)
  3. For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word, Vol. 1. (Crossway, 1998)
  4. For the Love of God: A Daily Companion for Discovering the Riches of God’s Word, Vol. 2. (Crossway, 1999)
  5. The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God (Crossway, 2000)
  6. Love in Hard Places (Crossway, 2002)
  7. Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson (Crossway, 2008)
  8. The Inclusive-Language Debate: A Plea for Realism (Zondervan, 1998)
  9. From the Resurrection to His Return: Living Faithfully in the Last Days (Christian Focus, 2010)

Articles (mostly in .pdf)

In the Beginning

The Gopel of Jesus Christ

What Is the Gospel?--Revisited

Must I Learn to Interpret the Bible?

10 Subtle Ways to Abandon the Authority of Scripture in Our Lives

The Dangers & Delights of Postmodernism

What is Jesus Essential Nature?

The Tabula Rasa Fallacy

Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology by D. A. Carson

Are Christians Required to Tithe?   D.A. Carson

The Love of God and the Atonement

Two Testaments, One Story by D.A. Carson and G.K. Beale

Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel: After Dodd, What?

Adam in the Epistles of Paul

God, the bible and Spiritual Warfare

The Call of the Prophet in Declining Times

What Are Gospel Issues?

Reflections on Assurance

This Present Evil Age

Partakers of the Age to Come

The Mystery of Providence

"Silent in the Churches": On the Role of Women in 1 Corinthians 14:33b-36

The Scholar as Pastor

The Trials of Biblical Studies

Christological Ambiguities in the Gospel of Matthew

Job: Mystery and Faith

Confidence in God in Times of Danger

The Challenges of Contemporary Pluralism

Can There Be a Christian University?

Jesus and the Sabbath in the Four Gospels

Hermeneutics: A Brief Assessment of Some Recent Trends

When is Spirituality Spiritual?


The Cross Establishes the Credibility of God

Where Wrath and Mercy Meet


Worship Under the Word

A Sovereign & Personal God

The Puritans: What They Have That the Moderns Lack

The Personal God

Pastoral Pensees: Motivations to Appeal to in Our Hearers When We Preach for Conversion

Dying Well

Faith and Faithfulness

‘A Holy Nation': The Church's High Calling

Cohabiting Then Converted?

Cohabiting Then Converted?

Unity in Truth and Love

What are some of the reasons why the doctrine of penal substitution is again coming under attack?

Christian Responsibility in the Public Square

The Challenges of the Twenty-first-century Pulpit

Biblical Theology

How does a thorough knowledge of biblical theology strengthen preaching?

One Way

Love and the Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World

Atonement in Romans 3:21-26

Key Issues for Understanding Islam and Muslims

The Vindication of Imputation

Why Should Christians Think about Postmodernism?

Living Without Heaven or Hell

God is Love

God's Love and God's Sovereignty

God's Love and God's Wrath

Gospel-Centered Ministry

Why Can't We Just Read the Bible?

The Hole in the Gospel

Eight Summarizing Words on the Gospel

Jesus’s Resolve to Head toward Jerusalem - Luke 9:18–62

The Biblical Basis for Missions - 2 Corinthians 4:1-12

How to Read the Bible and Do Theology Well

Is the Church a House of Worship?

Two Testaments, One Story

Excuses For Not Praying

Thoughts on Polemical Theology

I Have No Greater Joy

Primary Sources on The Two Wills of God

The New Perspectives on Paul, Analysis and Critique

How Do We Work for Justice and Not Undermine Evangelism?

How the Bible Hangs Together

On Abusing Matthew 18

Spiritual Disciplines

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