Christ Inviting Sinners to Come to Him for Rest (eBook)

by Jeremiah Burroughs

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"Christ Inviting Sinners to Come to Him for Rest" by Jeremiah Burroughs is a rich and theologically profound exposition of Matthew 11:28, where Christ extends an open invitation to the weary and burdened. Burroughs meticulously unpacks the meaning of "rest" promised by Christ to those who are overwhelmed by the weight of sin, the rigorous demands of the law, and the trials of life. With a pastoral heart, Burroughs guides readers through the manifold ways in which Christ alone offers true and lasting rest for troubled souls, focusing on the relief from spiritual burdens like sin, legalism, and afflictions.

The treatise begins by illustrating the nature of these burdens: the crushing weight of sin, the impossible demands of the law, and the struggles of living under corruption and affliction. Burroughs does not shy away from showing the misery of souls who are outside of Christ, underlining the hopelessness of attempting to find peace through legalistic righteousness or the striving for holiness apart from Christ. However, he quickly transitions to the central message: Christ offers rest, and He requires nothing but for sinners to come to Him in faith.

The book is divided into sections that not only explore the nature of coming to Christ but also explores the theological significance of Christ’s work—how He, by His grace, lifts the burdens we cannot bear. Burroughs explains that Christ alone can provide rest from sin’s guilt, corruption, and the demands of the law. He also addresses the common objections people might have about coming to Christ and provides rules for coming rightly to Him, all while emphasizing the gentleness and willingness of Christ to receive even the most wretched sinners.

One of the most compelling aspects of Burroughs’ writing is his clear and vivid description of Christ’s sufficiency. His encouragement for souls burdened by sin or spiritual desolation is rooted in the rich promises of the Gospel. Burroughs assures believers that Christ’s rest encompasses not only forgiveness but also sanctification, providing a way to overcome both inward corruption and outward trials. In short, this book is a powerful call for readers to lay down their burdens at the feet of Christ and experience the rest that only He can give.

About the Author
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599–1646) was a prominent English Puritan and preacher, best known for his works on Christian contentment and godliness. As a member of the Westminster Assembly, Burroughs had a significant influence on Reformed theology during his time. His writings continue to be cherished for their deep pastoral sensitivity and clear exposition of Scripture, especially in matters concerning the believer’s relationship with Christ. Burroughs is remembered as a gentle and passionate preacher who consistently pointed his readers and hearers toward Christ's sufficiency for every spiritual need.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Christ's Invitation to the Weary: The Promise of Rest for Troubled Souls

Chapter 2: The Burdens of Life and Sin: Christ's Call to the Weary

Chapter 3: The Burden of Sin, laid open in nine particulars

Chapter 4: Two Cautions Concerning the Burden of Sin

Chapter 5 : The Reasons for the Former Doctrine

Chapter 6: The Application: Exhorting Sinners to Come to Christ, with Answers to Certain Objections.

Chapter 7: The Burden Under the Law Laid Open in Eleven Particulars

Chapter 8: Three Conclusions Arising from the Former Doctrine Concerning the Burden Under the Law

Chapter 9: Of the Burden of Legal Performances: What It Is, With the Burdensomeness Thereof Laid Open in Twelve Particulars.

Chapter 10: The Sad Condition of Those Under the Burden of Legal Performances Set Forth in Six Particulars.

Chapter 11: Of the Burden of Corruption, and that there is Corruption in the Saints

Chapter 12: The Burden of Corruption Set Forth in Eight Particulars

Chapter 13: In What Respects Corruption Is a Burden

Chapter 14: In What Respects the Stirrings and Motions of Corruption Are Very Burdensome

Chapter 15: The Reasons of the Former Point

Chapter 16: Why the Saints Feel These Things So Burdensome

Chapter 17: Of the burden of outward afflictions, and the grievousness thereof laid open in three Particulars.

Chapter 18: Christ's Invitation to Sinners, Laid Down in These Words: "Come Unto Me."

Chapter 19; How Christ Calls Sinners unto Him, Set Forth in Two Particulars

Chapter 20: That There is Nothing Required of Sinners But to Come to Christ, with Nine Consequences Arising From This

Chapter 21: Nine Rules to be Observed in Coming Rightly to Christ

Chapter 22: Nine means to draw sinners to Christ

Chapter 23: The Doctrine Arising from the Dependence of the Promise upon the Invitation

Chapter 24: Of the Rest Promised by Christ in General: And That There Is No Rest for a Soul Outside of Jesus Christ

Chapter 25: Six Reasons for the Former Doctrine

Chapter 26: But I shall now go a little further in this similitude

Chapter 27: The insufficiency of everything besides Christ to give rest to the soul is further enlarged, with several choice considerations

Chapter 28: Of the Rest that a Believer has by Christ from the Guilt of Sin, laid out in Ten Particulars

Chapter 29: The Deliverance from the Law by Christ Set Out

Chapter 30: The Rest That Believers Have From the Burden of the Law by Coming to Christ

Chapter 31: Containing various Consequences from the Rest Believers have from the Burden of the Law, and Lessons they are taught from it

Chapter 32: Of the rest from Legal Performances, and the several ways how this rest comes from Christ

Chapter 33: Two other ways whereby the former point is clarified

Chapter 34: Rest from the Remainder of Corruption: Sanctification as a Great Rest, Explained in Six Particulars Chapter 35: Sanctification is Only in Christ

Chapter 36: Showeth how our sanctification cometh from Christ in six particulars.

Chapter 37: Containing Two Strong Arguments in Christ for Holiness

Chapter 38: Showing How Sanctification Comes from Christ in Six More Particulars

Chapter 39: Six Consequences from the Former Doctrine

Chapter 40: An Exhortation to Come to Christ: Three Hindrances Removed, and Six Encouragements Given

Chapter 41: Conclusion of the Doctrine of Sanctification, with Directions on How to Come to Christ for Holiness

Chapter 42: A Believer Finds Rest in Christ in All Worldly Troubles

Chapter 43: The Rest believers have from Christ in outward afflictions discovered in four particulars more

Chapter 44: Conclusion of the Last Doctrine in the Two Former Chapters

Chapter 45: On Believers’ Inward Afflictions and Spiritual Desertions

Chapter 46: Containing Seven Directions on how a Believer may find Rest in Christ during Spiritual Desertions

Chapter 47: Shows that believers have not only rest in afflictions, but also rest from afflictions Chapter 48: Five Marks of True Rest in Christ

Chapter 49: Eight means to find and keep rest in Christ

By Topic


By Scripture

Old Testament









1 Samuel

2 Samuel

1 Kings

2 Kings

1 Chronicles

2 Chronicles








Song of Solomon


















New Testament







1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians





1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy





1 Peter

2 Peter

1 John

2 John

3 John



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