"God is not culpable for the inability of an unsaved human being to propitiate God for his/her sin, because the sinner is the one responsible for the condition "inability." The unsaved person’s inability is because he/she has the old Adamic nature, no relationship with God, no spiritual power to overcome the sin attribute, and no spiritual perception to initiate a relationship with God. The sinner freely chooses sinning because his/her will is of itself always inclined by the attribute sin to choose sinning, and as being rebellious and disobedient toward God never desires to change its inclination to choose sinning. Every person has a choice to go to the left hand or the right, to sin or be holy, to be moral or immoral, to believe or not believe. If there were no real choices, then there would not be real responsibility to choose rightly, no culpability for choosing wrongly, and no rewards for choosing rightly. God’s decrees incorporate a person’s choices as means to ends, but the person does the choosing. Therefore, since sinning is a freely-made choice of the whole human nature, a person is culpable for his or her acts of sin, and thus responsible for their inability. Inability does not mean man’s faculties of reason, will, and conscious are not operational. They are operating, but as conditioned by the sin nature the reason can come to conclusions not based on fact, the will can make a wrong decision, and the conscience can be damaged to support a wrong conclusion and decision. Human beings can think, can make choices, are capable of discerning between moral good and evil, but the sin nature prefers evil. Only God's gift of grace-faith-salvation is able to overcome inability." From the book Adam and Eve, A Biography and Theology
We conclude that it is a real choice put before fallen sinners to receive or reject the gospel of Christ but, because of sin, sinners have rendered themselves impotent to make a right choice. But that is where the gospel comes in ... where. in his great mercy, Jesus does for his sheep what we are unable to do for ourselves. He pays all our debts on the cross and then provides everything we need for salvation, including a new heart to believe. He does not take us part of the way to God meeting most of the conditions leaving us to do the rest ... for our good will, wisdom and humility to believe the gospel are themselves is a gift of grace... gifts granted to us in Christ where God gives us a new heart to understand, eyes to see and ears to hear (Deut 29:4, 30:6, Ezek 36:26, John 6:63, 65).
Some people may object, but what about the non-elect? Well. what of them? They are given an opportunity to believe. If they want to come to Christ they can come. Ask them if they are willing to be delivered from their guilt and their bondage to sin and follow Christ and if they say yes, then they are elect but if they say no they don't want to be delivered from sin and don't want to follow Christ then what is there to complain of? They obviously don't want to be elect, by their own admission. (adapted from a Spurgeon quote)
"...we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Corinthians 1:23-24)
See this short piece by St. Augustine covering a similar subject.