Augustine, Aurelius - Bishop of Hippo 354-430 (Works)

Saint Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus, Episcopus Hipponiensis). A.D. 387-430: A Sketch of His Life and Writtings as Affecting the controversy with Rome - 1883 (by Charles Hastings Collette 1816-1901)

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 1 - 1871

The City of God, Volume 1, translated by Marcus Dods

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 2 - 1871

The City of God, Volume 2, translated by Marcus Dods

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 3 - 1872

Writings in connection with the Donatist controversy, translated by J.R. King.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 4 - 1872

The Anti-Pelagian Works of Saint Augustine, Volume 1. Translated by Peter Holmes.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 5 - 1872

Writings in Connection with the Manichæan Heresy, translated by Richard Stothert.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 6 - 1872

The Letters of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 1. Translated by J.G. Cunningham.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 7 - 1873

On the Trinity, translated by A.W. Haddan.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 8 - 1873

The Sermon on the Mount expounded, and The harmony of the evangelists, translated respectively by William Findlay and S.D.F. Salmond.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 9 - 1892

On Christian Doctrine; The Enchiridion; On Catechising, and On Faith and the Creed.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 10 - 1873

Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel According to St. John, Volume 1, translated by John Gibb.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 11 - 1874

Lectures or Tractates on the Gospel According to St. John, Volume 2, by James Innes.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 12 - 1874

The Anti-Pelagian Works of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 2. Translated by Peter Holmes.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 13 - 1875

The Letters of Saint Augustine, Volume 2, Translated by J.G. Cunningham.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 14 - 1872

The Confessions of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, translated and annotated by J.G. Pilkington.

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The Works of Aurelius Augustine, Volume 15 - 1876

The Anti-Pelagian Works of St. Augustine, Volume 3. Translated by Peter Holmes and R.E. Wallis.
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Saint Augustine - 1903 (by Adolphe Hatzfeld 1824-1900)

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Saint Augustine - 1888 (By Edward Lewes Cutts 1824-1901)

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Augustine: The Thinker - 1906 (By George W. Osmun b. 1876)

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The Confessions of Augustine - 1867 (Edited, with an Introduction, by William G. T. Shedd 1820-1894)

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Saint Augustine and His Age - 1902 (By Joseph McCabe 1867-1955)

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St. Augustine: A Biographical Memoir - 1859 (By the Rev. John Baillie 1816-1890)

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The Letters of St. Augustine - 1919 (By W. J. Sparrow-Simpson, D.D.

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The Life and Labors of St. Augustine - 1854 (By Dr. Philip Schaff 1819-1893)

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Studies in the Confessions of St. Augustine - 1919 (By R. L. Ottley)

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 1 1886 (By Philip Schaff)

The confessions and letters of St. Augustin, with a sketch of his life and work.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 2 1887 (By Philip Schaff)

St. Augustin's City of God and Christian doctrine.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 3 1887 (By Philip Schaff)

St. Augustin: On the Holy Trinity. Doctrinal treatises. Moral treatises.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 4 1887 (By Philip Schaff)

St. Augustin: The writings against the Manichæans, and against the Donatists.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 5 1887 (By Philip Schaff)

Saint Augustin: Anti-Pelagian writings.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 6 1888 (By Philip Schaff)

Saint Augustin: Sermon on the Mount. Harmony of the Gospels. Homilies on the Gospels.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 7 1888 (By Philip Schaff)

St. Augustin: Homilies on the Gospel of John. Homilies on the First epistle of John. Soliloquies.

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A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Volume 8 1888 (By Philip Schaff)

St. Augustin: Expositions on the book of Psalms.

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The Confessions of Saint Augustine: Books I-X. Edited, with an Introduction, by Arthur Symons. - 1898

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Expositions on The Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 1 -1847

Psalm 1-36

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Expositions on The Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 2 - 1848

Psalm 37-52

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Expositions on The Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 3 - 1849

Psalm 53-75

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Expositions on The Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 4 - 1850

Psalm 76-103

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Expositions on The Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 5 - 1853

Psalm 102-125

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Expositions on The Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 6 - 1857

Psalm 126-150

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Homilies on The Gospel According to St. John, and His First Epistle by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 1 - 1848

John 1-8

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Homilies on The Gospel According to St. John, and His First Epistle by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 2 - 1849

John 9-21 and 1 John

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Pious brathings : being the meditations of St. Augustine, his treatise of the Love of God, Soliloquies and manual ; to which are added, select contemplations from St. Anselm and St. Bernard (1720)

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S. Augustine's Manual, or Little Book of the Contemplation of Christ, or of God's Word, whereby the remembrance of the heavenly desires which is fallen asleep may be quickend up again - 1577 VERY OLD

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Sermons on Selected Lessons of The New Testament by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 1 - 1844

Matthew, Mark, Luke

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Sermons on Selected Lessons of The New Testament by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Volume 2 - 1845

John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, Titus, James, 1 John

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Seventeen short Treatises of S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo. - 1847

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The Enchiridion of Augustine Addressed to Laurentius, Being a Treatise on Faith, Hope, and Love - 1900

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Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount Drawn from the Writings of St. Augustine with an introductory essay on Augustine as an Interpreter of Scripture (by Richard Chenevx Trench, D.D. 1807-1886) - 1881

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St. Augustine: Select Letters, with an English Intranslation by James Houston Baxter, B.D., D. Litt. - 1930

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A Study of Augustine's Versions of Genesis: A Dissertation by John Strayer McIntosh (1879- ) - 1912

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The Confessions of Saint Augustine: Books I to X - (1913?)

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The Confessions of S. Augustine: Revised from a former translation, by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., with illustrations from S. Augustine himself - 1838

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St. Augustine's Treatise on The City of God (Abridged) by F. R. (Francis Ryan) Mongomery Hitchcock, D.D., 1867-1951 - 1922

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Leaves from St. Augustine by Mary H. Allies - 1886

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AUDIO: The City of God by St. Augustine of Hippo (here)

LibriVox recording of The City of God, by Saint Augustine of Hippo. Read by Darren Slider

Rome having been stormed and sacked by the Goths under Alaric their king, the worshipers of false gods, or pagans, as we commonly call them, made an attempt to attribute this calamity to the Christian religion, and began to blaspheme the true God with even more than their wonted bitterness and acerbity. It was this which kindled my zeal for the house of God, and prompted me to undertake the defense of the city of God against the charges and misrepresentations of its assailants. This work was in my hands for several years, owing to the interruptions occasioned by many other affairs which had a prior claim on my attention, and which I could not defer.
However, this great undertaking was at last completed in twenty-two books. Of these, the first five refute those who fancy that the polytheistic worship is necessary in order to secure worldly prosperity, and that all these overwhelming calamities have befallen us in consequence of its prohibition. In the following five books I address myself to those who admit that such calamities have at all times attended, and will at all times attend, the human race, and that they constantly recur in forms more or less disastrous, varying only in the scenes, occasions, and persons on whom they light, but, while admitting this, maintain that the worship of the gods is advantageous for the life to come. In these ten books, then, I refute these two opinions, which are as groundless as they are antagonistic to the Christian religion.
But that no one might have occasion to say, that though I had refuted the tenets of other men, I had omitted to establish my own, I devote to this object the second part of this work, which comprises twelve books, although I have not scrupled, as occasion offered, either to advance my own opinions in the first ten books, or to demolish the arguments of my opponents in the last twelve. Of these twelve books, the first four contain an account of the origin of these two cities—the city of God, and the city of the world. The second four treat of their history or progress; the third and last four, of their deserved destinies. And so, though all these twenty-two books refer to both cities, yet I have named them after the better city, and called them The City of God.
(Summary by the author in his Retractationes (Excerpt from book ii. 43, as translated by Marcus Dods)

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